Thursday, March 29, 2012


We came back from Portugal a week ago, after 10 days of fun, work, visits...

In the workshop we worked on a project for the regeneration of Figueira. In our case we tried to regenerate it by the creation of four buildings. It's better explained in the panel:

I'll post some more things about the trip in other moment ;)

Keep reading!



Listening to: Ten Thousand Lines by Electric President

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Artistic Couple

And, the final panel! YAY!

Now it has house plans and a more specific program and schemes.

Keep reading!



Listening to: Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Let's get dark!

OK, after some changes, James' side is 'darker' haha. Also Lilly's one is sweeter. We are doing the final tweaks on the definitive panel, but here's the one we had on Monday:

Keep reading!



Listening to: You Only Live Once by The Strokes

Sunday, March 4, 2012

First results

Last week we worked on the characters and some things about the house to end up with an A1, but it still needs some work (we are currently working on it):

Keep reading!



Listening to: Learn to Fly by Vitamin String Quartet (cover of Foo Fighters)