Saturday, February 25, 2012


Hello, and welcome to my blog.

I'm Nina Mertanen, a Spanish architecture student who lives in Madrid.

I've been wanting to create a blog about architecture for a long while, and now I had the perfect excuse for it (not that I needed one, but anyways).

Maybe you're wondering, what's with that name?. Well, I think that architecture and the rest of the arts are really related, and in this case, music has a rythm, a pattern that structures it, as does architecture. So the structure of a bulding is like a symphony (maybe it's just making sense in my head). By the way, the scores of the background are from the prelude of Bach's Cello Suite No 1. Also, the playlist on the right has some part of my inspirational music, and I'll be adding new songs.

OK, now that you know a little bit abour me and about my blog, it's time to start posting something, right?

Keep reading!


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